La contingencia de la dimensionalidad del espacio en la obra kantiana del período precrítico


  • Gastón Giribet Department of Physics, New York University (NYU)



Immanuel Kant, período precrítico, filosofía de la ciencia, espacio-tiempo, metafísica de las leyes de la naturaleza.


Among many others, one of Roberto Torretti's fundamental contributions to the history of philosophy has been his lucid exposition of Kant's work, an exposition that invites a critical reconsideration of the classical periodizations of the intellectual biography of the Königsberg philosopher. From a modern point of view, this is of great importance, especially for the task of revaluing the works of the so-called pre-critical period. In this article, dedicated to the memory of Torretti, I will analyze fundamental aspects of the attributes of space in the pre-critical work; more precisely, I will show how the question about the contingency or necessity of the three-dimensionality of space organizes the entire metaphysics of the laws of nature in Kant's first work. I will also discuss the continuities that can be found between that early work and his mature philosophy.

